Author Kim Abrusci
Working with 2-year-olds during the school year at Pierce I am often asked this by prospective camp parents. Why should I pay this much money to send my child to camp? What will they actually learn? Is it worth the money? Is it necessary? Having worked with this age group at Pierce for over 20 years I feel confident with my experience as an employee of Pierce as well as a camp parent to say YES it is worth the money and YES it is necessary.
Pierce Country Day Camp is a warm and nurturing environment that prides itself on the social and emotional growth of children. This is clearly explained in their motto, “Children First”. Yes, children learn how to improve their physical abilities through athletics while they are here but in addition, their self-esteem is also fostered and nurtured. At the young age of 3 and 4 children learn how to build their confidence and develop independence at Pierce. Through their daily involvement in group activities and receiving positive feedback throughout the day for their achievements our campers learn to take pride in themselves. There is nothing better than witnessing a 3-year-old celebrating after mastering a new swim skill or watching them take pride in their ability to kick a soccer ball into the goal. These celebrations are acknowledged by the group which provides the child the experience of being part of a team and helps them to learn mutual respect and admiration. Keep in mind this is all achieved away from any connections to “screens” and independent of their parents.
Young children of this age are so full of energy and curious about the world. Camp offers them the opportunity to explore and experience new activities in a safe, loving, and, of course, beautiful environment. Our staff is fully invested in understanding the growth and development of children so that they may reach their full potential. Each camper is treated as an individual with love and respect. Their well-being is our first priority. As a Supervisor, my job is validated when I hear a parent say during a camp visit, “Wow, I can’t believe this is my child!”, “They are so independent!”, and “They have grown so much!” It makes me proud to be a part of such a life-changing event for families. As I mentioned earlier, I am also a camp parent. I have witnessed my own three children grow and flourish at Pierce. The life skills they have learned at Pierce throughout the years you cannot put a price tag on. I do believe that the camp experience definitely helped to build their character while leaving them with memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.